Month: March 2015

Interview with Hyphen Magazine


I ended up pretty happy with what I said in this interview with Hyphen Magazine about my fiction. I think much of it has to do with the fact that Karissa Chen is a good friend of mine, and she got out of me very candid truths.

Also, Margaret Cho started following me after reading this interview. If you read what I say, you’ll know why.

…My own parents transferred their wartime PTSD onto me—for better and for worse. For better, because in an Apocalypse, I will probably get a posse together in ten seconds and survive. For worse, because I keep thinking about the Apocalypse. I mean, when I see a tree and a wild turkey, I think “Wow, that’s nice. Nature.” And then immediately, I see a source for lumber and food. In that sense, my innocence is gone.

And in the case of my parents’ PTSD, I have no visual for what it is that haunts me. It’s my parents’ ghost, and it’s never been given a face.

I certainly think these ghosts are why I write—to give the ghosts and monsters faces in stories.

What If Reality Suddenly Fell Apart?


A few months ago, right after my BuzzFeed stroke essay went live, I had the opportunity to talk about my stroke recovery and ensuing life changes, with Whit Missildine. We sat in my living room, and he asked me questions, and told me to speak freely about all the things that had happened, and what I felt, and how the stroke changed my perception. Also, I was very aware of my voice. And the many times I say “like” while speaking.

This week, the podcast went live on Whit’s AMAZING podcast series called “This is Actually Happening,” consisting of “first-person stories that explore what happens when everything changes.” Each podcast episode is entitled with a “What If…?” scenario.

The podcast episode on which my story is featured is called “What If Reality Suddenly Fell Apart?”

Take a listen.

Press Publish Discount


Hi everyone. We’re a few weeks away, and so I’m making another announcement:

I’m speaking at’s Press Publish conference event on March 28, 2015 in Portland, Oregon. And this time, I’d like to offer my readers a 40% discount to the conference–mostly because I’d love to see you there!

When you register for the conference, use the following special coupon code: CHRISTINE40

If you can’t make it to Portland, but you are planning on going to Phoenix on April 18th, the CHRISTINE40 coupon code will work for Phoenix, too.

Press Publish tickets come with either a year of upgrade or, for self-hosted blogs, a 1-year subscription to the VaultPress Backup Bundle. Either option is a $99 value, and paired with the 40% discount, this makes tickets an even greater deal.

The full description of my talk is here up at the Press Publish site (and I plan on talking about my relationship with you!):

Eight years ago, Christine Lee survived a stroke in part due to the concern of commenters on her anonymous blog, and more recently experienced the comment flood that comes with a post going viral. She’ll talk about online connection and keeping up with comments.

Are you in Portland? Anywhere near Portland? Got a free weekend? Want to meet other WordPress bloggers? Want to know how to make the most of WordPress? Want to hear inspiring speakers talk about their experiences with blogging?

Register for the conference.